お笑い関連の英語としては、舞台に立って面白話をして笑わせる漫談"stand-up comedy(スタンドアップコメディ)"、面白い動作をして笑わせるドタバタ喜劇"slapstick(スラップスティック)"などがあります。
オチは"punch line(パンチライン)"と言います。
She has two views of a secret. Either it's not worth keeping, or it's too good to keep.
On the telephone.
A : Jack Smith will not be in school today.
Teacher : Is he sick?
Who is this speaking, please?
A : This is my father speaking.
A : | ジャック・スミスは今日学校に行きません。 |
先生 : | 彼は体調が悪いのですか?
失礼ですがどちら様ですか? |
A : | 僕のお父さんです。 |

Glasses change our appearance. Some people refuse to wear glasses because they think they look better without them.
Ann’s eyes were not very good, so she usually wore glasses. But when she was seventeen and she began to go out with a young man, she never wore her glasses when she was with him. When he came to the door to take her out, she took her glasses off, and when she came home again and he left, she put them on.
One day her mother said to her, “Ann, why do you never wear your glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to beautiful places in his car, but you don’t see anything.”
“Well, Mother,” said Ann, “I look prettier to Jim when I am not wearing my glasses ―― and he looks better to me too!”

ある日アンの母親が彼女に言った。「アン、なぜあなたはジムといるときに決してメガネをかけないの? 彼は車で素敵な場所へ連れて行ってくれるのに、あなたはよく見えないでしょ。」
Bill walked into a store which had a sign outside: “Secondhand Clothes Bought and Sold.” He was carrying an old pair of pants and asked the owner of the store, “How much will you give me for these?” The man looked at them and said, “Twenty dollars.”
“What!” said Bill. “I thought they were worth fifty dollars or more.” “No,” said the man, “they aren’t worth more than twenty dollars.”
“Are you sure?” asked Bill.
“Very sure,” said the man.
“Well,” said Bill. He took twenty dollars out of his pocket and said, “Here’s your money. These pants were hanging outside your store with a price tag that said sixty dollars, but I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to know how much they really were.”
Then he walked out of the store with the pair of pants and disappeared.
We had just moved to London from the town where John and I were born. One day when John was four years old, he disobeyed Mother. When mother scolded him for being disobedient, John got angry.
He ran into the bathroom and locked the bathroom door. Mother called him but he refused to come out. Mother began to be worried. “He may do something dangerous and hurt himself,” she thought. Dad being away at the office, Mother called a policeman−our London policeman always know what to do.
A policeman came and went to the bathroom where John had shut himself up. Knocking on the door, the policeman called, “Come out, little girl!”
The door opened immediately and John came out shouting, “I’m not a girl!” Then, turning to Mother, the policeman said with a smile, “It always works.”